Thursday, August 20, 2015

Natalie's Salon

Welcome to Natalie's hair salon. Natalie is very competitive for customers. Even stealing away other hairstylist from their own beauty parlors to come be customers at her establishment. Here she is stealing Sophi away from working on Melodie's hair. "You must come to my salon!" 
"Sophi, Sit down! Sit down!"
(She was particular on where they sat, like to the inch.)
Ok, first the brush...
Next, the whistle. Now blow...

Good. Ok, now the clipboard (pulls your hair and sets your hair next to the board to be examined...)
 Lastly, the hanger. (Pulls hair out and briefly hangs the hanger on it...)
Thank you! NEXT! When Ethan was in her salon, and after she was done, she totally pushed him out of the spot and said "GO AWAY!" Now it's Wesley's turn.
Such good siblings, Wesley trying to appease his little sister and still do his homework. Just another day at the salon.