Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Ready, Set...

Ready or not, the first day of the 2015-16 school year is here. Joseph started off the first day with jazz band at 6:30. I took him. As we drove on the freeway and approached the exit, we went under a walkway, where there was some disrespectful thing spelled out with cups in the chain link fence. It so offended me that on my way back I parked and took 15 minutes taking down all the cups. I thought I'd be able to stack them up, but the cups were big and thus had to be crushed to put in the fence which made them unstackable for me. I didn't have a garbage sack, so I attempted to hold them, but there were too many, so I decided to just rip them out and then them fall on the walkway. I felt a little bad just leaving them on the bridge, but decided that littering was less worse than having all the freeway drivers see the offensive word that had been displayed. Plus I didn't want the new students to have a bad impression of the area or school. Owen was nice and slept while I was gone. Then Corey took the rest of the junior high kids at 7:15. All the elementary kids got up way too early at 7:00 - they were just too excited for the first day! I told them "You have an hour and a half to wait... don't get up this early tomorrow!" And I'm sure they won't since they'll be recovering from today's full day. (Lily did have a major recovery day - on Thursday she fell asleep around 5:00 when she went with me in the car for an errand, and she slept until 10:30 pm!)
They left for school at 8:20 - everyone was excited to ride the bus!
Then Owen and I went and took a nap until 11 while Natalie and Sophi kept sleeping. I'm ready for a lazy and unproductive few months since all my baby holders and protectors are gone. I just nurse Owen and try to protect him when he's sleeping from his adoring toddler sisters.