Monday, November 16, 2015

Compatibility Game

Last night the kids were playing one of our board games - Compatability. I love games that everyone can play in - here we've got all ages from the 6 year old little sister to the almost 16 years big brother, and they're all playing nicely together. After refreshing their minds as to the rules of the game, they were having fun and all laughing, so I thought I'd capture the moment ~

It's kind of a marriage or dating couples game, but the kids play it with each other ~ fun way to see who thinks alike! Mel and Hyrum were a team, and Joseph and Ethan and Lily and Wesley. It makes for an interesting game when you have a little first grader playing, who doesn't really understand the rules - she's like a wild card for whoever is her partner, makes it funny. Wesley got Lily during this game. Wesley made it funny too, cause he gets the word wrong occasionally. On one of the turns the word was "addict" and Wesley thought it was "attic" - so he picked his cards accordingly. When he showed a card that was just all black and also a card with a question mark on it they asked him to explain how those represented "addict". "Cause 'attics' are dark and confusing!" When they figured out he was doing the wrong word they all laughed, and agreed he had chosen okay cards for "attic". Fun game.

Also, sometimes the kids don't play a card that describes the word... sometimes they (Hyrum & Ethan) just put the "old man" on every turn and find a way to make him fit. Word is "weapon" ~ yeah, he looks like a guy that would carry a weapon. Word is "trust" ~ he looks like a grandpa, and you can trust grandpas. Word is "threatening" - yeah, he looks scary and threatening! Made me laugh - "Guys, you gotta decide, is he trust worthy or threatening! He can't be both!" He's the joke of the family. Sorry old man person, whoever you are.
It's a fun game. We first played this years ago in college with one of our high school friends, Jeff, and his wife. It was so fun that first time for us, we got it and it's been a family favorite.