Saturday, November 14, 2015


This morning Corey headed off to Brazil. He went to bed last night at 7 and woke up at 4 am, trying to prep his body for the 5 hour time difference. Owen was awake to see him off, and Melodie came too. The rest of the kids were still asleep when I took him to the airport. Corey was watching "Inside Out" to try and wake himself up.
We left here at 8 am to drop him off at the airport, then I took Melodie to Orchestra, that started at 9. Killed an hour at Target doing some Christmas brainstorming before I headed back to pick her up at 10:30. Then I hurried home for a Relief Society Luncheon with the ladies in my ward who serve in the Relief Society. Quiche, orange bread, cashew butter with apples. Owen was nice and fell asleep at the luncheon. Then home for a second before going to my neighbor's house for a "Pop-up Boutique" where I saw cute jewelry, lip stain, hand painted cute crafty stuff, Lulu skirts and I was introduced to the amazing Norwex wash cloths. I got two of them for too expensive of a price, but wow, they are something else. Mel and I have been washing windows and wiping the underside of our counter - you know, attacking all those impossible to get off driplets of hard dried milk and gunk and who knows what. And ta-da, they're all gone. Just water and the Norwex cloth. Pretty cool. Going to research it some more before I get more of them, but wondering how I haven't heard of these yet? Before I get more of their products, though, I shall try and find as good of a product that isn't MLM, cause MLM just rubs me the wrong way. I hate hosting parties and making everyone feel pressured to buy something so I can get a better deal. I've only hosted a MLM thing once in my life, and I felt guilty even extending the invitations. I think MLM doesn't sit well with most people. I'm glad I found Eden's Garden so I didn't have to host a Doterra party, cause I do love essential oils and want to share them without people thinking I'm trying to make a buck off them. So I'll let you know what I find for the microfiber antibacterial silver in the thread cloths. :) Going to look more into e-cloth.

So, after the boutique, I came home and made Joseph and Ethan come help me try to get the snow and ice off of our blessed north facing driveway. We were out there for over an hour when my nice neighbor came over to help. He brought his snowblower and a shovel and scraper and rubber hammer. He got almost all of it off, then he got his salt for the last of it. He was so nice to come help us in our plight. Corey didn't have a chance to get our snowblower checked out - last spring the pull cord to start it broke off, so I thought we were out of luck and would have to buy a new one, I didn't know where to go to get it repaired. But Woody showed me how and where to plug it in for the electric start, so now we are good to go! The forecast says it's going to snow on Monday, so I wanted to have a fresh start on the driveway which was why we were all out there. And now that I can still use our snowblower, well I'm just happy in heaven. When it snows, I'll be out there. If it's during the night, I can get it cleaned off while the kids get ready for school. They all get to leave nice and early with Joseph cause I can't do the two trips out there at different and overlapping times all by myself. So, should be a busy week, but so grateful for wonderful neighbors and for a clear driveway! It was a busy and blessed day. Praying for Corey to be safe, praying for Paris, and giving thanks for wonderful neighbors and blessings.