Monday, December 14, 2015

House Guests

We've had some house guests for the past almost two week. Rafael and his wife Natalia are our friends from Brazil - when we were there in Campinas they kept us well fed with BBQs a their house or bringing by some delicious home cooking, on another two times Natalia taught Mel how to cook some Brazil pudding, and lasagna (Brazilian lasagna is made with ham and has a special cheese I can't remember but it is super delicious!) They also helped take us to the ER, and lastly they helped us get out of the house and to the airport. They just did all that stuff that great friends do. Rafael works with Corey and came up to get to know in person some employees that he works with online. Corey loved showing them some of the church sites here. 
We went and saw the church play "Savior of the World" with them at the Conference Center Theater.
(I don't remember crying so much last time I saw it)

She spent her first week shopping for herself and friends and family - she's like the real life Santa Clause and is going to return to Brazil from the north with lots of goodies in her luggage for all the good girls and boys. I went shopping with her a few times, then she went shopping some more at the stores by Corey and Rafael's office, and then she went some more with Rafael. They got so much stuff they kept making jokes when they'd leave to run out for another errant. "Yeah, we aren't sure we have enough stuff yet, so..." They went to Las Vegas for two days - Hard Rock Cafe and the Bellagio water show - then they went skiing on Saturday before heading out on Sunday. Corey took them up to Alta. He took Lily and Sophi too and they all just hung out on the bunny hill for a few hours.
It was so great to have them visit, and we're already talking about the kids taking a one month internship down to Brazil to stay with them. Joseph had a good experience in Chile, I think it's a great thing for the kids to do before they head off to college or on their missions. Mel, next summer? You're up!