Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Years Eve 2015

This morning, we cleaned the house, then we rented skis, then we went up the canyon to our friends' cabin. The kids watched movies, played games like Catch Phrase and Telestrations (such a fun game!) So many good friends for the kids and for the parents. 
Telestrations is such a fun game, we need to get that one. It's the telephone game with a pictionary element added to it, it can get pretty hilarious. Owen is cute. Taking a nap in our room
And the men and boys played lots o foosball. The joy of victory, the pain of defeat.
The humiliation of being foosed.
Good times, Corey is fun to watch, he's pretty intense (I think he hams is up a bit for effect, or to distract his opponents.
Girls playing a bit on the other table. 
And after lots of games and food and visiting, it was 11:30, time to get ready to ring in the new year!
All the cheering and tooting of horns woke up Owen. So we put a party hat on him. Do you think he'd ready to take on the new year? Yep, with his binky and bib, he's ready for anything! haha, I loved him, he is so cute.
He's the cutest!!
I officially joined the polar bear club this year by taking half a lap around the cabin barefoot in the snow. It was COLD, negative 7 according to the temperatures on some of the kids' smart phones. Last year it was 2 degrees, and in the picture they were all sitting rather calmly on the snow. This time we were all dying. Yeah, I think it was in the negative. Took a while for our feet to feel normal again. 
Corey said he caught a cold just watching us. We had a great time with our friends and enjoy this New Year's Eve tradition up here with all of them. Good bye 2015!!! Looking forward to 2016!