Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Costa Rica Reunion 2

We had a few more Costa Rica visitors in honor of our 5 year reunion! Kristy surprised me on facebook with a message that they would be in Utah after Christmas and wanted to come say hi. The kids were really looking forward to it, and today was the day and we got to see our long lost friends the Stouts! The kids all played games at the table being silly playing "Hat game, hat game, I can do the hat game, can you?" We had black beans and pico de gallo in honor of Costa Rica and our friend Shirley who taught me how to make it, plus pretzels, yogurt, apples and clementines. 
Some of our memories from Costa Rica with the Stouts:
Pool play day
papaya smoothie
beach day 1
beach day 2
Beach day 3 morning
Beach day 3 afternoon
As I was looking through old posts, I was trying to see if this was recorded, but it is only briefly mentioned here - so now it will be... I will always remember Kristy cause she was in her first trimester in Costa Rica as was I, and she had been spotting a lot, and I started to bleed more than a pregnant woman should as well. I was 10 weeks pregnant (this was after Lily, before Sophi) when I miscarried while we were at the beach with them. We were out on the shore when I started bleeding heavily all over, so I went into their house and knew I wasn't pregnant anymore. So yeah, I'll always remember and love Kristy for being my emotional support during that miscarriage. And the boys will always remember playing at the beach with Kailey and Tia. Fun in the sun in Costa Rica, now 5 year later it was fun in the snow.
They went out to play after dinner - poor Owen (their boy, not my baby) was out there in shorts! We finally found some pants to try and protect his poor legs that are used to nice California weather.
They went sledding over at the tree farm for a bit too.
It's bitter cold temperatures outside right now though.
They were going to visit us and then go down to see the lights at temple square. We asked if we could join them cause we hadn't been down to see the lights yet. But then we took a vote from all the kids who seemed to be having a lot of fun outside, and they voted to stay, so then they just stayed - kids kept playing and freezing outside, we stayed inside and visited. It was nice to see them, Corey and Zach had a nice business visit. Good times, we are going to try and go pay them a visit this summer! Yay!