Thursday, February 11, 2016

Norman Rockwell Exhibit

Corey and I had planned for us all to go see the Normal Rockwell exhibit on Jan 10th, but then bad weather cancelled our plans. I tried to reschedule it but the tickets were all sold out except for a few times during the day. My parent had planned to go too and time was slipping away from us, it closes this week! So my mom got tickets and we went down together. It was really wonderful. I especially loved seeing all the studies and different models he used and practiced the composition with before he made his final painting, such as Art Critic. Anyway, just great to see the whole exhibit. Very inspiring. I haven't figured out how to make time for it now, but I plan on painting a lot in the next life.
And we enjoyed a few Rockwellian moments of our own.
 Love my kids and my parents.