Friday, February 12, 2016


We had an activity for the primary children in our ward today ~ sledding up at Brighton. Tess and Wes
The road that our friend's cabin is right next to the ski slopes, so they are at the top of the road and as the road goes down it makes for a great sledding hill.
A friend from Abi's school class was able to join us, Abi and Addy, they are a cute pair.
The kids had a great time ~ they were sledding for hours! All those pictures above were taken at the end of the day as the sun was starting to go down. That's when I remembered I better hurry out and take some pictures of the fun. I'm assuming the morning sledding runs looked about the same, just with more sunshine. It was actually a pretty warm day up there, in the 50s.
The fun started at 10. Around noon they came in to take a break, time for some lunch - pizza!
I was so grateful to get out of the inversion in the valley and see the sun, ah! And blue sky! Wonderful, I felt like I could breathe again. We spent the day up there and had a great time, so grateful for wonderful friends for us and the kids. we are so blessed!