Monday, May 30, 2016

Book of Prensesis

Hope you all had a nice Memorial Day today. I enjoyed things shared of facebook, including this video shared by my little sis. We enjoyed the day at home, doing a run through of what our typical summer days will look like this vacation, which thanks to Corey's brilliant chore board, was full of productivity and no-nagging and lots of doing. Pretty awesome. He took Hyrum, Sophi and Lily to the music store to get some supplies for their goals. Sophi's got a pink ukulele now. When they got home, they practiced chords and worked really hard. Hyrum, Wes, Joseph, Mel, they all did great with their music. Ethan's still recovering from his week of being sick and his cold sore. Good news, he's determined to find a cure for cold sores, giving our family hope for the bright future of medicine. He's hoping to do music tomorrow, it's been over a week, he misses his saxophone.

Something cute ~ Corey printed up coloring pages for the little girls today after their chores were done and Lily put her pictures together in a book that made all of us smile. It is titled "Lilian's Book of Prensesis" It's adorable. Let's read it together... The front cover:
(I'll mostly type the correct spelling here, will put a few of the original spelling in italics, but read it in the pictures to see the rest of her cute 1st grader spelling, love it)
"Hellow! Can you see the princess in the picture? She is a famis arDis (famous artist) and she is Byotfol (beautiful) and so are you and her name is Ellie. Hello again. Now can you see the prince? He is a famous artist too and his name is Erik." (She was going to do Ariel and Eric, but didn't want to plagiarize the little mermaid too much... she knew she was already pushing it with the red hair). Now page 2:
"Hellow aagen. Can you see the princess? Her hair can glow and she is a fammmis Danser." Page 3 (The beginning to this page was my favorite part...) "Hello. This is the last time together in this book. The girl is a famis ardis too and her name is Sindys. Hello. See the horse? She is a good runner . She can do a flip. Her name is Bronys."
(you have to turn the book to see this picture - the girl is on the left pressing her head up to the pony's head.)
And the back cover. "And that's my book of Princesses."
(Lift-the-flap!) "Good Bye!" (nice touch Lil)
Love it Lily, you're well on your way to becoming an amazing author, I know it!