Monday, June 13, 2016

All Together Again

On Saturday night we had all our children return. The Trek Pioneers came home around 2:30. Ethan walked in my room with a smile that said "Look at how dirty I am!" and then he looked in the mirror... and visions of Indiana Jones must have flashed through his head, cause he said "Dang, I look good!" You're a pretty dapper cowboy, Eth. They were anxious to jump in the shower but I made them pause for a quick pic. Ethan insisted they do tallest to shortest...
Ok, now "oldest to youngest" 
Thank you. Ok, you can go shower now, and the boys were off. And that was also the end of the relaxation from all the laundry that I enjoyed while everyone was gone. It was officially over as I started load #1 of many. Owen looked at Melodie longingly. He had missed his second mother very much (so had I!)
"Is it really you?!?!" 
Mel said she liked making things out of the grass - they braided flowers and grass to make headbands and necklaces and other girly things. Shortly thereafter Abi and Lily arrived home from their trip to Arizona. They missed their dad.
Hyrum and Wes arrived after dinner. And with that we were all together again! I'm glad they are back, I missed my helpers. Didn't miss my mess makers - too bad they all have the same clean/messy split personalities! Wes' face got the most sun. They spent a good chunk of their vacation time in the pool. I have some pictures on my phone but can't find the files to upload them. May update later... :)

Oh, and our time together less than 24 hours - Sunday evening at 5:00 Joseph, Melodie, and Ethan headed down to BYU for a music camp. and we shall not be seeing them until Saturday afternoon. They were excited to go. I think Joseph and Melodie still are after day 1, but tonight Ethan called in tears - they put him on the baritone saxophone and he's trying to not want to kill himself. He vented to Corey for over an hour. I was putting kids to bed and haven't heard the whole schpeel, but afterwards Corey kinda laughed, saying that now Ethan is finally getting a taste of those real difficult trials of life that he was supposed to experience on Trek! Lol