Friday, June 10, 2016

Free Time

Well, here I am for the first time in the past two days with no children awake or at home. Sophi is at a friends house and Owen and Natalie are both taking a nap. Doh, spoke too soon... Sophi just came home. Well, that's okay. I did have about an hour there. I had already gotten in my exercise and bath, so the first thing I did in my free time was clean the stairs. On Wednesday I ordered some US Advantage which works amazing on carpets. It is a must have cleaner around here - I use it on all spots, spit ups, throw ups, and other messes - in 2012 I had my first experience that sold me on it hard when it got a big black permanent marker drawing out of the carpet. I've loved it ever since. But I've been low all winter, trying to hang on until they come around again. I gave up and ordered some online on Wednesday, and then yesterday guess who knocked on the door... yep! A solicitor came by, but he wasn't selling US Advantage, but did have a similar cleaner called Clear Magic. We bought a bottle to try it out, and cause I really wanted to clean the carpets with the kids gone and my order was still a week away. So last night I did the first four stairs, which were also the most dirty. Did the next 4 this morning when I woke up. Then just finished off the flight after Owen and Natalie both fell asleep. They look great now, I love having clean carpets! 

Now Owen is awake. It was nice to have an hour of uninterrupted time though. He has been better today than he was yesterday. Not quite as clingy, and his sores don't seem to be bothering him but they still look bad. Poor little guy.

Before they went down for their naps, Natalie and I were painting downstairs while Owen crawled around. Natalie did great and didn't mess up what I was working on - a little colorful abstract art thing I started last night... Since it seemed like I just I sat around all day holding Owen all day yesterday, I spent my time browsing "colorful bright art" images on my phone (fineartamerica gave me some good stuff) looking for inspiration... I had a small goal of painting something this weekend with the kids gone. So I started something last night but didn't finish. I was worried the girls would see me today and come over and that would be the end of my art time. But they've been good. Usually Natalie and Sophi play "dinner" downstairs. 
I'm enjoying the usable space in the basement. :) Ok, better go hold Owen.