Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Off to Trek

It's early in the morning on a summer day ~ but there will be no sleeping in for these teenagers today, cause it's time to get up and get ready to cross the plains.
Ethan woke up at 6 to take his last shower this week. Joseph and Mel were up shortly there after getting dressed. I thought this picture was cute - Mel getting ready in the girls room on the left, Joseph getting ready in the room on the right.
Almost ready to go? Into the car then. I drove them over to the stake center to meet up with the leaders and other youth. They had a simple breakfast there and then onto some nice tour buses for a ride to Woodruff, Utah for their Trek experience at Deseret Land and Livestock. Off they go to have an adventure!
One more pic of Mel without the bonnet on. :) They will be back Saturday night, so we have to wait until then to hear all about it. I know they'll have a great experience. Wish we were there with you! Enjoy your time! Joseph commented that it is going to be really weird for Corey and I to be home with just 3 kids. Yes, I suspect we'll be feeling like we've stepped back in time 13 years to when I was pregnant with my 4th and we had three cute little kiddos underfoot. I was on top of my game back then, hoping we'll experience a little of the same this weekend. Mel and Ethan helped clean the house on Monday and it stayed clean all day yesterday, which made Ethan say last night "Well, now we know who makes the messes!" (saying it's the middle kids doing...) I replied "And we also know whose fault it is that we stay up so late..." as it was midnight at the time. I told them a few times over the past few days that they'd want to be sure to go to bed early on Tuesday night. This morning I told them too bad you don't get to take a nap today! Joseph said "This is normal to me..." saying that is how he's used to feeling from the school year. Well I guess that's true, but still, you guys should have gone to bed. Ethan then said "We can sleep on the bus!" I guess that is true too, but I'm sure all the kids will be much to excited to fall asleep on the ride to Trek. Plus it's just like 2 hours away, which I say is not long enough for anyone to get bored and drowsy on a bus full of teenagers. I'm sure they'll all crash hard after they get home, and thus undo any good sleeping patterns they pick up over the next few days of getting up and going to bed with the sun. Well, atleast Corey and I will get to enjoy going to bed at a decent time for the next few days! And I am grateful for that.