Thursday, June 9, 2016

A Day Without 7 Kids

Today wasn't that great of a day. It was nice to go on a walk early in the morning - saw the beautiful sun rise and said hello to my lovely roses~
I confess, that picture was taken on the "super vivid" setting... The camera just can't do it justice without a little help! The yellow is too bright, but it captures the pink more accurately that the normal setting. They are just look too pale without it.
They are gorgeous, I love these roses, they make me happy. So after a nice morning walk, I came home and took care of Natalie and Owen. They get up early. Sophi sleeps in too long. I was pretty tired the rest of the day. Probably didn't help that Owen was feeling really sick and just wanted to be held.... I can't sit still. If I do I'll fall asleep. Owen is a little sick again. Ethan must have gotten to close to him cause he gave Owen his cold sore infection, which has manifested itself as herpes simplex on his chin. It's actually looking better, but still looks bad...
But I think he's got a new blister starting on the right there, plus another new one on his lip. Poor little guy. I'm pretty sure I'll be getting a cold sore soon cause I haven't been very careful around him. And Natalie might get one too - she found his left over yogurt today and finished it off. Yes, the infections just make the rounds here. So that is all that is going on here. I wish the kids had been here today to take a turn holding Owen. I'll try to find ways to enjoy the time without them (dinner is easier, there are a lot less shoes to pick up, and I haven't had to do any laundry today!) but I know I'll be glad when they all are back home.