Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Our first caterpillar hatched two weeks ago this Friday. The whole process from egg to chrysalis is two weeks, then 6-7 days until it's a butterfly. So 21 days in all. But then one morning last week I found a caterpillar on my morning walk that looked bigger than any of ours, and now we know it was, cause it j-hooked this evening.
It's fun to watch them. We all spend quite a bit of time looking and wondering at them.
Pretty cool, so the big one will be turning into a chrysalis tomorrow. Here's a facebook video of what that looks like - that's as alien-ish as anything I can imagine. Butterflies are pretty amazing little creatures. And I found more eggs too - I was out pulling weeds in the back yard and checked on just one of our milkweek, 6 eggs! Can you see them all?
It's fun being monarch foster parents. :)