Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Owen is 1!

Happy birthday to everyone's favorite little man!!! It was a little tricky getting him to pose for a birthday photo outside. Here we are on the trampoline - this was as good as a birthday photo I could get. That is a pretty cute little face!
We came inside for cake. You are one year old today, Owen!! Yay!
Yay! Cheering for himself!
Here we are singing happy birthday to him. I like how he seemed to be conducting us as we sang, or atleast trying to help us keep the beat ~

And did you see his expression after Natalie blew out his candle - he sees the smoke and is like "Yikes! what is that?!?" Funny little guy. Then we went in the front room to open presents. He liked ripping apart the paper the most I think. He kept grabbing it and would rip off another small piece, pretty fun sound.
Eventually we got the paper away and got him to look at the present that was inside the wrapping.
He got some fun books and toys. Corey and I gifted him a fisher price phone, My mom got him a "tablet" - Wesley pretended to protest "How come he gets a phone and a tablet when he's one! And I don't even have one yet!" He likes anything with buttons and blinking lights. He also likes shapes and balls, he was having a good time.
This morning I had to review ages with Natalie. Had to teach her that Owen is not "zero" anymore, now he's 1! You are 3 and Owen is 1! At first she protested, "No, I'm 2! Owen is zero!" But I held up my fingers to remind her what we learned 17 days ago - three fingers now cause you're three, not two, three. "I'm three" as she held up three fingers. Yes! And Owen is one! One finger, that's it! Now she's got it down. Everyone is growing up.