Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Owen likes tags. He is my first baby that has been in love with them. When I put him down for a nap or when we're rocking him and want to help him relax, we get one of his aden and anais blankets and are sure to give him the corner that has the tags.
He might be my first baby obsessed with tags. This is probably because this is the first time I've had a blanket with good tags on a corner to give my baby. Have muslin blankets been around forever? Cause I didn't know about them until baby 10. I first noticed two mothers at church that had their babies wrapped up in these large but thin blankets that just looked so awesome. I asked what brand they were, but the name didn't register, I didn't know how to spell it and couldn't picture it, thus it went in one ear and out the other and I felt stupid asking her twice. Then I saw them again with another friend when she came to visit at our house (baby to the left of me) the tags on them and we think it is really cute. (well of course we do, cause everything he does is cute!)
And YOU are cute, Owen. And so is Mel, and little Sophi with her eye patch. I almost forgot to make her wear it one day, but that was it and I've almost got it down to a habit, I have the patches in the kitchen and we put it on first thing in the morning for two hours (usually longer cause she'll be playing and time passes and I don't see her again until lunch and I'm like "ah! sorry Sophi! you can take that off now!" and she is just a sweetheart and hasn't complained once, such a humble and obedient little girl. I love my kids, being a mom is the best, I just wish I didn't have to be pregnant to have kids. Pregnancy is not my favorite, but it will be worth it. We're excited to meet this next baby in another two months~ almost there! (Right? two months, that is a short time, isn't it? Please tell me I'm almost there! I'm trying to convince myself... hang in there self - just 10 more weeks!