Thursday, July 14, 2016

Caterpillar Eggs

The first time we had caterpillars was our first summer here in 2011. We had them again in 2012 and 2013, and we've had a break since then, until now. I know how to spot milkweed but haven't stopped to pick any. 4 years ago we scattered a bunch of seeds around our yard and this year they are finally producing plants for Monarchs. We've been careful not to pull them when we're doing yard work, Melodie even put a little circle of rocks around them to identify them and keep them safe. Yesterday during dinner, Melodie noticed a monarch flying around one of our little patches of milkweed. We gathered at the window to watch, and it looked like it might have laid an egg on it. This evening I went out to see if I could see any eggs. I picked off the leaves that I thought were possible contenders, and we've got 7 leaves in the window in the kitchen sink that we're gonna keep an eye on.
Four of them I'm positive are eggs. The other three I'm not so sure. So we'll see what happens!

~ Update 7:am Friday - 
Well I got atleast one right - we've got a baby caterpillar! This little guy hatched on the last leaf on the right. Happy Birthday, Caterpillar! 
It should be fun to watch them again as this summer begins to come to an end (we've only got a month left!! So sad.)