Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Blues Band

Joseph got back from his 2 week tour to the British Isles on Sunday night. Corey picked him up at the airport and brought him straight to Park City, bringing with him 2 weeks of dirty clothes and his tenor sax. I took his laundry home yesterday and washed it all, and he kept his sax for the Blues night tonight! Ethan and Hyrum had their horns too so they could go to their band practice tomorrow. So we don't always have the kids take their sax's on vacation. But we do for Park City, which comes in handy for them to play along with John Paul and his band. 

This is their third year playing along, so they're officially regulars, almost band members themselves! Here's links to 20132014, and 2015. Corey played too. 
I got a video of it, will try to update with that later. Hyrum didn't olay this year. Wes brought his trumpet, so he was almost going to - but bringing the trumpet in the car was as far as he got. Next year.