Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Joseph and his friend Scotty were being typical fun teenage boys up at the pool in Park City yesterday. They were first trying to balance on a big beach ball, which made me laugh, and then... they found... a mermaid tail... here is a video I got of them. They were providing great pool side entertainment for me and a bunch of other adults that got a kick out of them.

Good kids having good goofy fun! They spotted another tail across the pool, a pink one! Scotty grabbed it and they prepared for their swim.
I was really enjoying watching them and laughing
They thought the tails belonged to the hotel, but after tailing up and before they were able to get a good swim in, a little girl came over and demanded her tails be returned.

So that was when the merman fun ended. Then I got to see all the cute things the other kids were doing.
Natalie kept kissing Wes and saying "I love you guys"
Then more kisses and another repeat "I love you guys!" Wes thought it was adorable, so did I.
Wes was so sweet with her. He played with her for an hour. 
Ethan took Owen swimming and everyone took turns helping with him too. 
It was a lot of fun just to watch them and I didn't have to do hardly anything except put sunblock on - glad I remembered before they had been out there for too long!
I have really good kids, they are such good helpers, my heart was very grateful.