Thursday, August 25, 2016

Mornings With Owen

I love waking up to this little man. These are from yesterday while we started our year of school mornings. I put a toy in his crib while he was asleep and I love it that when he wakes up, he'll discover it and play quietly while he waits for me. It's so cute.
It's fun when he looks up and finds that we've snuck in and are watching him. There you are my little friend! Good morning Owen!!
Let's see what your sisters are doing... Lily is already up and getting ready for school (pink blanket) and here we have Natalie and Sophi in their places on the floor of our room. You know, we could make a little more space in this house if I got rid of a few beds and got pet beds for these little girls...
I saw some at Costco and am considering it. I think they would be more comfortable than the carpet. And we could just pile them up somewhere during the day. Maybe. So when I get Owen out of his crib, he walks around looking at toys and usually ends up patting Natalie on the head or pulling her hair and waking her up. She hasn't had hard feelings toward his morning greeting yet.
Owen's got his tags. He's ready to take on the world. We're all in awe at his perfect posture.
Looks like Natalie is gonna try to steal your blanket!
Usually it's just playful teasing, but on Sunday at church she did fight him for it and won, Owen was so sad. Natalie's working up to being a stinker. She was great during the terrible two, she's warming up now during her 3rd year... the feisty fours will be here soon!