Friday, August 26, 2016

Washington Hypothesis

Today I finished reading another book by Timothy Ballard. The last one I finished was The Lincoln Hypothesis, that was August 2015. Here we are in another year, another baby almost here, and another great book by Ballard - The Washington Hypothesis.
I just love Timothy Ballard. He's a true blue Mormon and the hero behind Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) He shows faith in God and America, despite all the horrible things he's witnessed as he fights sex trafficking. He inspires me and I want to be like him. And he just happens to find time to write history books in his spare time! His book has made my love for America and George Washington grow. I've read of most of the miracles of the Revolution in other history books, but it was great to read some of my favorites again and back to back, and there were a few more that I hadn't heard of or had forgotten. Like when Washington was up getting intelligence on an embankment at Yorktown while "British balls were 'flying almost as thick as hail and were instantly demolishing portions of the embankment around him.' Yet Washington stayed put for ten or fifteen minutes. His aides were going nuts and forced him from his perch a couple of times, only to watch him move back up with his telescope. He 'severely reprimanded' his aids for getting in his way." (p. 131)

I just loved that, I loved that he was fearless! People shooting at me, I don't care, Been here, done this before. I'm not afraid, God's got my back. Washington seemed to walk with God throughout his life, even stating himself that "No Man has a more perfect Reliance on the alwise, and powerful dispensations of the Supreme Being than I." (p. 182)

As I wince and take peeks at the presidential election and other things that are going on in our country that made me want to cry, I will remember to Trust in God like Washington did.

"We have, as you very justly observe, abundant reasons to thank Providence for its many favorable interpositions in our behalf. It has at times been my only dependence, for all other resources seemed to have failed us." - p. 128

He had it worse and the odds were not in his favor, but he has assurances from the Lord - GOD was on his side. And that is all we need to succeed in life.  As the war ended and he returned to his farm, he felt to make one final statement before Congress:

"I consider it an indispensable duty to close this last solemn act of my Official life, by commending the interests of our dearest Country to the protection of Almighty God, and those who have superintendence of them, to his holy keeping." (p. 153)

That is wonderful, and something I can pray for with real intent. During the convention that created our Constitution, Washington reminded the stalemated and bickering delegates why they were there and for whom they were working. "The event is in the hand of God!" he declared to them. (p. 157) I'll work in my heart to trust America, the Presidency, the Supreme Court, and all to His Care. He is the King of this land and in control of the events that shape it. Thy will be done. We can trust America and the future of this world to God's care, as Washington did. Shown also here in this statement from his first inaugural address:

"It would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official Act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the Universe, who presides in the Councils of Nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that his benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States." (p. 169)

(I love George Washington!)