Monday, August 29, 2016

Quick Pre-Baby Trip

Corey left for Brazil this morning for a business trip. He thought he'd try to get in a trip before the baby comes. Which I guess I prefer to him taking a post baby trip (atleast now with all the kids so busy in school...)

My mom came early this morning to take him to the airport. We said TTFN and then I finished a morning 3 mile jog, which I've been doing for a few weeks down downstairs on the treadmill. I would not jog outside in public, cause that would probably look ridiculous and draw unwanted attention from other joggers or bicyclers passing by. Then I began my 10 days of busy solo school mornings and took Eth and Hyrum to school, came home to say bye to Wes, then got Abi and Lily up and ready for the bus. Busy mornings, but good. I'm most productive from 5:00 to 10. Then I take a nap in the afternoon when Owen goes down for his nap and I let the little girls watch a movie. Today I didn't take a nap though - I was busy doing laundry. I cleaned all the kids rooms and washed and folded all their laundry! And may I say all their closets looks awesome, I did it to serve them and felt very happy and content as I worked. It was a good day. Thank you to the Life changing Magic of Tidying up for teaching me how to love folding clothes. And I love folding socks now too, and being able to find them and see them. :) Ah, the simple weird things that homemakers get excited about!