Monday, October 31, 2016


Happy Halloween~ The kids in jr. high down dressed up for school. Ethan was an emoji, Hyrum was a weird hippy (although most people asked him if he was Jeremy from Studio C)
Melodie stayed up til 1 am with him last night helping him make the mustache. ...and some armpit hair. Nice. Owen didn't get a costume and he didn't even care, yay!
Wesley was cotton candy. He wanted to continue the sugary costume theme - following his cupcake and lollipop costumes that he made in years past.
Last night Corey and Ethan were trying to talk him out of it. "You are in middle school... It's cute Wes... but cute can get you beat up these days. Do you have any other options?" And I was telling them to shut up - Wes is happy with it, and he's done making it, it's 10 at night, I don't want kids staying up or to have to start over with this cursed holiday costume search, please, let's be done! They teased him saying he looked like a fluffy unicorn. Stop it, stop teasing the cotton candy! Lily obeyed me and used an old witch outfit from the costume box. She used this for her 2nd grade Halloween program. She was a good little witch.
And the older kids were hanging out with friends, so no costumes or trick or treating for them, yay, less candy around here to tempt me.
For the evening, we celebrated with our usual tradition with pizza at the neighbors house, trick our treating around the hood, and ending with root beat floats at the Jensen's house. 
Corey went over with the kids for pizza while I helped kids finish getting ready. It wasn't too hard - Natalie changed outfits three times and then ended up wearing the clothes she had been in all day - her Elsa pajamas. They didn't want me to curl their hair "My hair already looks like Ariel!" fine by me... so smack on a little lip stick and they were ready to go.
Corey was done after the pizza party, so he stayed home with Owen and Natalie and I took Sophi and Lily trick or treating. Hyrum helped me keep an eye on the little girls. He gave some of the parents concern as they wondered who was that guy getting candy with their kids. It was a little chilly, so we barely got half way around the block when Sophi was begging to be done. So I took them home and Hyrum kept going with the neighborhood kids. I had strapped Daniel to me with the baby wrap, but when I got inside he was ready to eat. Made it a little tricky and him a little frustrated to have me stop nursing him as I kept answering the doorbell. Around 9 I turned off all the lights and we headed upstairs to hunker down until the older kids got home and we could call it a day. Survived another Halloween!