Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Thanksgiving Proclamation

When I read the Washington Hypothesis a few months ago, I wrote down in my calendar various dates that were mentioned in there that I felt were important. My goad was to be a history buff on facebook and go and share those little known facts with my friends. Alas, it's actually November 13th now, so I missed doing it there on facebook, but can still do it here where I can schedule the date it's published and go back in time, ha! So, guess what! Did you know that "today" on November 1, 1777, Congress issued a Thanksgiving Proclamation ~

...where they called on Americans to perform acts to "please God through the merits of Jesus Christ" and to support "the Means of Religion, for the promotion and enlargement of that Kingdom, which consisteth 'in Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost.'" The proclamation further instructed Americans to "join the penitent Confession of their manifold Sins, whereby they had forfeited every favor; and their humble and earnest Supplication that it may please God, through the merits of Jesus Christ, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of Remembrance."

I'm grateful for the legacy of faith in God that our founding fathers gave us. I also remember to ask God to forgive us Americans of our sins when I pray at night, especially for the sin of abortion and the immorality that is prevalent in our society. I pray that he will guide us and help us, especially with the election coming up. Please guide and help us Lord, Thy will be done. I pray with George Washington, who, after his defeat at Germantown, later wrote that "the day was rather unfortunate" but that his soldiers "were not in the leaset dispirited." They appreciated the valuable and much neded combat experience gained. All things considered, from Saratoga to Brandywine and Germantown, Washington commented that "A superintending Providence is ordering every thingfor the best, and that, in due time, all will end well." (- Washington Hypothesis, p. 104)