Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Watching TV

Last night we enjoyed some time watching 90 minutes of Studio C - they were playing all their Christmas Episodes, it was so funny. I was rocking Owen as we watched and then Mel passed Daniel to me so she could finish her homework (even though she stayed and watched Studio C with us). She took these pictures of this rare moment of both my little boys sitting sweetly on my lap~
 I love my little boys!!
Daniel is just such a perfect little sweetheart, and Owen, you are the cutest! But you and your father need to figure out how to have a happy and healthy relationship...
Owen has a prioritized order of people who he will go to. And I am not at the top of his list. He sat on my lap until Wesley came in - back from his New Bop Christmas Concert. Off my lap Owen went, over to his #2 favorite person in the world.
That lasted until Corey came in, and then it was goodbye Wes, hello Daddy.
Owen likes to sit right in front of him in his arms like they are his little nest. Poor Corey can hardly get a thing done if Owen is around, he doesn't know how to say no to him. But Owen is still little, hopefully he'll grow out of being so clingy. Owen did great these two weeks that Corey was gone. He's also done good today - Corey left for the airport at 4 am this morning... taking a quick business trip to San Francisco, so he's gone tonight and will be back at 11:30 tomorrow night. Nice to have him home for 24 hours! So, I continue to keep the tv on to keep kids quiet and to try to distract them from making messes. I probably have it on too much. It's all good stuff though - pbs kids and BYU tv. We really like byutv. So last night during Studio C, I was in a silly mood and the kids looked at me a few times wondering why I was laughing so hard. These two were my favorites:

"He's just being dramatic... watch this!" at :55 funny! And the Gift of the Magi ~

1:45 - "Oh! thanks for sticking to our agreement, but I actually love you and I didn't eat for two weeks to buy you this hat!"

Ah, I almost forgot! Here's one more favorite, Wonderful Life! "Boo! Jimmy Stewarts wife became an old hag!"

We had a good time laughing together. Studio C is to my children what the Monkees were to me and my siblings growing up. We'd watch the Monkees all the time and all the quotes we memorized from it found their way to into our daily conversations. Thus it is with Studio C on this next generation. Good stuff.