Wednesday, December 21, 2016


We're almost done with school. The younger kids had their last day as today, the older kids have one more day tomorrow and then hallelujah we get a break. What will they be doing on their break?
I'm sure there will be playing with toys they get on Christmas. I also believe they will be wasting some time on the computer. I recently stumbled upon these creations. The children usually start off doing homework when they are at the computer ~ Like "Reflex" or checking "canvas" but then they'll get distracted by YouCam~
Cause it's just so fun to make faces and look weird!
Or to strut your stuff ~ nice striking a pose, Abi. Love Natalie's little face.
Lily likes to use the computer a lot...
She takes a lot of selfies. I'm sure she'll do more once her computer knowledge increases. As for now, she is right behind computer expert Ethan
He is our most creative genius when it comes to the computer and all the possibilities it affords
He's got a good go at being a graphic artist if the music thing doesn't work out. He's going to be my go to kid in the future when I want a family video made of our family reunion parties. Pretty fun. I love that first picture with Owen destroying the city. Funny

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