Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Feeling Better

We are all feeling better around here. First, this little man did turn the corner last night and didn't wake up crying this morning, hallelujah! I dare say he was happy, even pleasant. He's not back to full power, just warming up a bit as he practices doing what he does best - walking around with his blanket and emptying the dishwasher when I'm trying to load it.
He also likes to close it when I'm trying to load it, and then press the start button. Then I give up and we go watch tv. I don't get nothin' done around here. Whether it's cause he's sick and I don't get anything done cause I'm holding him, or cause he's feeling well and is in my wake sabotaging my efforts, that's just Mom Life. I'd much rather have him happy and in the way. The dishes aren't going anywhere anyway. 
"Give me that phone!"

Corey's leaving tomorrow for Brazil. I thought I'd get my "I can cope with chocolate" binge out of the way early, so yesterday I ran to Fresh Market yesterday and bought this goodness ~
Red Button Ice Cream - give it a try if you haven't. Some of the flavors looked too exotic, but maybe we'll feel brave next time. I think it's only available at Fresh Market. Very yummy. I shared with the kids - got two containers and they helped me save myself from the calories of eating it all on my own.

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