Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Sad Eyes

So, did I mention Corey is taking a trip to Brazil? Yeah, he left this morning. This is how we all feel when Daddy's gone:
Just sooo sad.
Don't we look like we've been crying for hours? Yes, that's how sad we are. Actually, this is how Natalie feels after playing outside in the back yard.
I don't know if it was all the dust and dirt in the air, or if she touched the neighbor's cats and then rubbed her eyes, but it didn't look very good.
Natalie was still her usual playful self and was up and about fine, but her eyes just looked so bad we couldn't help but give her a look of great concern each time she'd look at us. It kinda sobered her up.
So, why is Corey in Brazil again, you ask? Well, on Friday night went to the temple for my solo date night. Corey had to get in some more consulting hours, so I went alone, but he hasn't been for a while, and we need guidance in our life from on high... he really needed to go. He's been super stressed the past 2 weeks, I encouraged him to go several times. So I went Friday and he made it out Saturday morning, yay! But then he came back and what is the inspiration you received there, my dear? What is that? (awkward pause and silence...) You feel you should go to Brazil? You are leaving me again?  Um, Corey, darling, will you excuse me... Lord, can I talk to you outside for a moment? (walk out of the room to have a private talk) Lord, what are you doing? That wasn't the kind of inspiration and help I wanted you to give him! Can't you just fix it all and we can be done for a while? Sigh. Well fine, but that's the last time I encourage him to go to the temple! (kidding) Oh bother, fine! He can go. Looks like I have to channel some Mary Williamson again. So he came home and spent 4 hours trying to finangle his flight down there as inexpensively as possible. He was able to book one for today/Wednesday. Then we really did go out on a date. Our favorite regular - India House. Since Owen was sick we took him with us. He didn't last long...
Correction: "We" his parents didn't last long, he was just too good at being a kid and we don't have any more to give... "Cool! The lid of this salt shaker comes off!"
Why won't you let me bang the salt and pepper shakers on the table!?!?
I don't want ice or water or waa!! 
 So after sitting for 4 minutes we said we'd take it to go.  
Thankfully, the fact that we didn't last in a restaurant for more than 5 minutes with Owen might have just spared us taking him with us on our anniversary in two weeks where I would be stuck alone on a plance with him and Daniel. There there would be no escape for me. We're still figuring out how we're gonna do it, but I think we'll leave you home Owen. No offense, but it won't feel like much of a break if we take both of you little boys. Sorry 'bout that. So I just have to make it solo for 8 days and then I get to fly to San Diego next week with Daniel and will meet Corey there (returning from Brazil). Good luck me. (Is winter over yet?)

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