Thursday, February 9, 2017

Right Mindset

On Tuesday I listened to Elder Cook's BYU Devotional address. (Loved it.) I wanted to watch it again and share it - luckily I'm subscribed on YouTube to BYU Devotionals, so a little snippet of it popped up later after it uploaded, sweet. Happy Corey and I are doing our part to help fight the demographic winter. And glad all my kids #s 3-11 have been born. Pretty powerful visuals there during his talk!

After watching it, this talk by Brother Manning was next up on the playlist. I was intrigued by the title because of something Wesley asked me on Monday which made me pause and think about the things Corey and I say as parents and how they affect how the kids feel. So I gave it a listen. It was awesome. Click play below to see what I mean.

I shared it with my BFF Nicole, and I called her yesterday on my way back from taking Corey to the airport at 7am. She had listened to it and loved it too, and that helped me remember and focus and start to practice being mentally tough as I begin these 8 days with Corey gone. We both loved the story about the skier! I need to come up with a few mental cues and power statements to help me when I'm feeling overwhelmed or when I'm talking negatively to myself about whatever is bugging me. NO more negativity! Believe in myself, I got this! I think my power statement will be something like "With the Savior's help, I can (fill in the blank)" - such as clean the kitchen, Or when I'm thinking negatively about how slow it might be going in my forever quest of getting back in my skinny clothes wardrobe - then I'll say "I got this!" So, I have more I'd like to say about his talk, so we'll see if I'm able to come back later to update.

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