Saturday, June 24, 2017

Birthday Weekend Report

It's been a birthday weekend. So, for Lily's birthday last night... So had started a new tradition this year where we take the birthday kid out with us on our date night. But we didn't do it with Lily last night, cause instead we all went down to BYU to see Joseph in a concert.
He's been at Summerfest all week and having a fabulous time (he stayed in the DORMS and had a meal card, which he was really excited about!) So we went down there and will give Lily a rain check for her date night dinner... Not sure what Ethan is doing here. But it's the only picture I have of the crew in the audience.
I took a long video of them playing "Jazz Police" where Joseph totally rocked his solo (at 2:17)

(It was hard to hold the phone up for that long!)
We never saw Joseph after the show. He was off for more fun. So we went to the BYU Wilkinson Center where Corey treated the kids to some bowling fun. I passed Daniel off to the kids where they would hand him off as they took turns up to bowl, and then I took off with Owen. We played a lot of Skee ball, which he loved. It was actually just one game, but we spent a good half our with our last 3 balls and just rolled them up and down the lane.
And then we took the skee balls over to the air hockey table. Those were easier for Owen to hit than the air hockey puck.
Then Owen and I continued to wander. I had a hand full of MnM's that I used to keep him busy. We ate them everywhere in the Wilk.
I'd put the MnM's on tables and chairs and he'd come find them. This Reflection Room was a new addition since the last time I was at BYU. A quite room that felt like inside the temple, where the names of BYU Alumni who have died in our country's service are remembered.
We killed a good hour and then went back to the bowling alley where they are all still going strong.
There was some kind of wager or prize if the kids were able to beat Corey's score. So after they were done bowling we headed to the cars and drove over to the BYU Creamery on 9th where Corey bought cones, an ice cream scoop, two (3?) half gallons, and donuts. Then we drove to Rock Canyon park where they all pigged out in the dark. Not a bad birthday bash for Lily. But the party was not over yet! My mom wasn't able to come over before we had to leave for BYU last night, so the party has continued today!

Corey headed down to BYU around 11 am to pick up Joseph, but then J decided to stay and get a ride with someone else. While Corey was gone, we watched a few Netflix videos - We had started Fat Sick and Nearly Dead a week or two ago and finally finished watching the second half. (trying to counter all the birthday junk food) We were really proud of Phil! Then, in the sequel, we find that Phil gained it back and was starting over again! That's gotta be rough. You need support. The kids get excited about being healthy after watching health videos, so I'll probably have to show them something atleast once a month. So, after our morning of watching about juice fasting, I ran out to Bed Bath and Beyond and bought a juicer. We made some Mean Green Juice. I'm on Joe Cross' email list now. It's fun to try new things. It helped me use lots of our veggies that were about to go bad, so that's good. But I hate throwing out all that fiber.

So, after getting my mind focused on eating healthy, I was able to resist the birthday cakes that my mom brought them over. Happy Birthday yesterday, Lily! Happy birthday tomorrow, Wesley!
Lily is our sweet 8 year old. She's going to be baptized next month!
And this young man is turning 12! So he is going to receive the priestood tomorrow! My little kids are growing up.
Lily opening her presents... her 4th fidget spinner!
Wes opening his gifts. 
My mom and dad both came over to deliver their fridge, they've upgraded. So we rearranged things in the garage quickly, and that was our Saturday. It ended with me taking Owen and Daniel on a walk around the block... something I've been doing a lot of lately (we all have). I went 3 laps. I like it cause I get to listen to conference (Tongue of Angels tonight) or more youtube health videos. Daniel was zonked out after half a lap, and Owen finally crashed on the last stretch of the 3rd lap, hooray! To bed they go, and I get to blog! I have done better this week - I blogged 5 times, yay! Of course I still need to catch up May and June, but I'll get there. Happy Birthday to my cute creative kids Lily and Wes.

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