Friday, June 23, 2017

Wii Mornings

This week Hyrum suggested that he would like to begin again our tradition from last summer of free Wii time from 7-8 am each morning. It was a good way to get them out of bed. So I said sure. This morning they (Hyrum, Wes, and Abi) got up extra early (6 am) to make Lily breakfast in bed. Then they went down to play the Wii. I went on my morning walk and my little friends (Owen and Daniel) were awake when I got home. I took them down to the kids playing the Wii so I could get breakfast ready. Then Natalie woke up and joined them too. I thought it was a pretty cute sight to see the seven of them sitting there together.
I took a quick video of them too. It's cute... Wes let Owen hold his control, cause Owen likes to hold it. And just sit there (such a good big brother). Wes tells Hyrum to look for "the mini" whatever that is, and when Hyrum goes there, he dies and all the kids say "Nooooo...." (:49) followed by Owen with a five second delay before he imitates them... (:55)

I loved how Hyrum held Natalie as he played, and how they take turns passing Daniel around. They are great little helpers and siblings to each other (most of the time!) I'll post later with more of Lily's birthday festivities.

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