Thursday, June 1, 2017

Pictures at the Park

We got family pictures taken today. This was an important even cause it was with all of Corey's side of the family, and we haven't had one with all of us since I think 2006 when Wes was our baby. It's a big task to find a day that works for everyone, so we were glad we got it figured out to make it happen! Of course, before getting pictures taken comes the great task of finding coordinating clothing for the crew...
After rummaging through their closets I took a quick trip to Kid to Kid. Then we had a good pile of options. We all had to endure some give and take to make it work. Abi had to wear Mel's shoes for the sake of coordination. She also wanted to wear the dress that I got for Mel, so Lily took the dress I got for Abi and we scrounged around for her ensemble in the brief hour between when she got home from school and when we had to leave. I also didn't realize that neither Ethan, Hyrum or Wesley had a pair of blue jeans. So we got some straight leg blue jeans out of storage, but they were just too out of fashion for them to be able to wear and bear it. But I didn't have time to go shopping for jeans for 3 boys, so I got out the sewing machine and did a quick line up the side to stitch them up skinny and it worked good enough, so we told them no one would notice and called it good enough for pictures. Of course the denim was not stretchy "skinny jean" demin, so the boys could hardly get their feet into them which made me laugh tonight when some of them needed assistance to get them off (Hyrum!)

We got pictures taken at a little park in Holladay that is a street over from the Holladay Lions Recreation Center.
It was cloudy and sprinkled on us a little bit at first, and then it was breezy for a little bit more, but shortly thereafter the sun came out and we're hoping we got some good shots. I will post them soon! I love capturing these moments in time.

Owen was a sad boy again like he was last year. That's okay though, Lily was our sad child in the pictures in 2014. It's good to have a kid that makes a stink, it keeps it real. Speaking of children mis-behaving in family pictures, this little video from LDS Apostle Gary E. Stevenson was really great to watch. Been there, and the more distant in the past it becomes, the more it becomes a funny and happy memory.

1 comment:

  1. Love that video. Hilarious and so not surprising to anyone who had had to take a family picture with their kids.
