Monday, July 10, 2017

4 Years Old!

Well, we've got another "Four and Feisty" kiddo on our hands! Natalie is 4 years old today, Happy Birthday Natalie!
Last night she said she wanted an Elsa cake. Abi had helped her google cake ideas for some images that were gonna give me a bit more cake talent than I have skill for... Cause this was Natalie's request...
Oh great, thanks Abi. I told Natalie I didn't know how to make an Elsa cake. I said "How about a CHOCOLATE cake!" We googled chocolate cakes on my phone, and there was one with MnMs... I was very happy when she quickly said "I want that cake!' Sweet, I can do that! So a chocolate cake and a bag of MnMs were on my 5 am shopping list.

Last night, as I made my birthday plan of attack, I figured I could go by the store after dropping Corey off at the airport (had to leave at 6:45 to take him). But my plans changed when Daniel woke me up at 4:30 a.m. this morning. I fed him a bottle, but it did not cause him to fall back asleep. That little boy was wide awake. And he was being noisy. I didn't want him to wake up Owen, so I quickly took him into the closet, where I could get dressed, cause we're going to the store (Since there aren't many other things to do at 5 a.m. with a baby that's ready to play.

So I went, got all the food goodies and party supplies, and was home in time to get it set up while the kids played the Wii. At 6:15 I called them up.
She's such a cute little birthday girl!
We sang, she opened her birthday bags, and then I took Corey to the airport. All the grandparents came over with more treats and gifts for Natalie. (Yes, for now we let the Vegan thing slide on birthdays..."Who wants more cake and ice cream?!?!")
Opening gifts~
One thing that was so sweet this morning - I gave her a package of Barbie fruit snacks in one of her gifts (cause she already got birthday presents in May, but I did get her one more toy, and Corey will be getting her something when he gets back) But with the fruit snacks, she only had 6 in there and she took one and then shared the rest with anyone who asked for one. It was so sweet. Of course, then there were also moments throughout the day where she did her loud scream and wailed and fought over sharing or not sharing and Lily would come and say "I think Natalie is getting a little spoiled..." The Feisty Fours are soon to be fully upon us, but she did pretty good for a toddler on her birthday. We love you Natalie!

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