Sunday, July 9, 2017

Just Another Sunday

At our church, the little kids get to go into "nursery" when they are 18 months old. Daniel is just under 10 months, but he's been in there with me since I've been substituting for the past few weeks. He really likes music time - especially the egg rattles!
Daniel shaking egg rattles video here. He and Owen are both usually ready to take a nap as soon as church is over. Snuggling with Ethan ~ take me home and put me to bed!
Sophi was supposed to get her stitches out yesterday, but we were at Scofield until late. So... I called Dr. Mom to take care of the job today (aka: me!)
I did a good job and successfully removed all 6 stitches.
Looks like everyone is taking a nap...
Except Natalie's little head on the loveseat there. Natalie is reading a pony book.
Then Owen woke up. Thus the audio of Natalie reading on a quiet (ha!) afternoon - video here.

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