Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Academic Planner

The toilet overflowed this morning. It was clogged and the toilet keeps running after the tank is full, so it started to pour over. No one admitted guilt (I think it was Lily). Luckily Corey caught it almost right away and we were able to stop it before it hit the carpet (well, the carpet got a little wet) Then I read this post from Matt Walsh today and it helped me laugh and feel better about our small wet trial.
The good news is that my son actually washed his hands after using the bathroom, which is a step forward. The bad news is that the drain was clogged and he neglected to turn the faucet back off. I didn't know about this oversight until I heard what sounded like a rainstorm in my living room. This happened, by the way, on the same day that our air conditioning went up and I had to spend all day in a 90 degree house waiting for the AC guy to come. Kids always pick the best times to flood the bathroom, I've discovered. I asked him later why he didn't turn the faucet off. First he said he couldn't reach it. I pointed out that he reached it to turn it on. He thought for a minute, paused, and said, "Oh actually it wasn't me. It was Julia." Nice try, buddy. Next time, pick that excuse first and stick with it. Or, you know, just turn the faucet off.
For those applauding my ability to laugh about this, I must admit that I am being much more lighthearted about this now than I was last night. I was about as amused by a flooded bathroom and a damaged ceiling as my dad would have been. Which is to say, not at all. But give me a few hours and I can begin to see the humor in just about anything.

And that is why I try to blog and write these things down, cause I know soon it will all be a funny memory. We need to get the toilet fixed soon, we're lucky we haven't had the floor ruined yet. Better get it fixed before there is any permanent damage caused. Call the plumber. I better put that on the calendar. And speaking of calendars, look what just came in the mail! Yay, just in time for the school year. I know it, I live it, I love it!
I've been ordering this "Mormon Mommy Planner" for the past few years from In The Leafy Treetops.
I love this planner. Sure, I don't use all the pages inside for the purposes that they were designed for, but I'm getting better! This year I'm hoping to do better with Family Home Evenings. Some of the pages, I admit, I'm not sure what they were designed for, though they do look like they were made with some specific purpose in mind. I need to find a forum of moms who use this so I can pick their brains. A new feature this year ~ laser smooth paper, ooh! And some metallic print on it which is also fun.
Of course I love the inspirational quotes and lovely colors ~ pretty!
And I like using the academic calendar version more than the calendar year. Cause our life (unfortunately) kinda revolves around the school year more and more. But this is great at helping me keep track of a lot of it. I probably use my google calendar on my phone more for appointments and reminders, but this is my preferred place to take notes at church and write down thoughts and keep track of stuff for the blog. Anyway, just wanted to recommend this planner to anyone who's looking for a little organizational help!

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