Thursday, July 27, 2017

Owen is 2!

Happy Birthday, Owen! Two year old birthday are awesome. Almost as great at the one year olds. They don't have any expectations, so everything is a delight and I don't have to do a ton. The kids set up some decorations, I bought a toy at Kid to Kid, and didn't even wrap it. We gave it to him this morning. He likes trucks. 
So that was sweet and simple. My mom came by later with a few toys, including a train toy, which was the big hit. This kid likes cars and wheels.
He enjoyed the cake. I had some ice cream. And I felt horrible and irritated after. Ice cream and I do not have a healthy relationship. I'm saying good bye to ice cream after this week, and I really mean it. After cleaning off the ice cream and cake, there was a knock at the door and a package that was just delivered. I looked at it - I know what this one is! This was a present for Owen that I was very excited about - blankets!!
This past Friday, Joseph and Ethan had a "Rock the Park" concert up in Farmington. Corey took a van full of kids up to see it. When they came home, Corey informed me that they lost the blue and white striped blanket somewhere in the park. Uh oh, that makes us down to 2 out of 4. Here's Owen with his first blanket that got lost - this one disappeared shortly after July 2016, I'm not sure what ever happened to it.
This kid cannot survive without his blankets. And he's particular about the design so even though we have other styles of muslin blankets, Owen refuses to accept them. I felt like I needed to get some back ups of the same style. Ebay saved the day. After googling I was able to find the style - It was "Aden + Anais ~ Zutano - Sunday Drive" - unfortunately it had been discontinued!
Oh noooo. I went by Kid to Kid last Saturday hoping to find an old hand be down, no luck. But then I found it on ebay. I ordered it last Saturday and it arrived today, perfect! Owen accepted them at once! Hooray!
I think we're safe now and should make it through his childhood without any bad lack of blanket incidents. So that was about it for the birthday - and this is how I clean off Daniel after cake and ice cream. Oh, you are CUTE!
Daniel!! We love you!!
After the morning party, Owen was ready for a nap. Got your blankies, Owen?
He snuggled in the chair with Wesley and then played with his toys on the floor as they watched some PBS kids. Daniel came up and started sucking on Wesley's elbow... Wes said it tickled soooo much!
Funny baby. Owen had a good day. I love toddler birthdays. Looking forward to yours soon, Daniel! Try not to grow too fast, baby.

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