Saturday, July 22, 2017

Lily's Baptism

Today was a special day for Lily. She was baptized today by her father.
She has taken upon herself the name of Christ and is now a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. A week ago, Lily helped me plan out who would say prayers, give talks, and perform music.
She and her sisters sang "When I Am Baptized" and they did a lovely job. Here are the older kids waiting for the services to begin... One of these kids is not like the others...
(aka the one with the bottle!)
Lily, we are so happy you made the decision to be baptized! Oh, I also gave her a haircut on an impulse 2 hours before her baptism. We had looked at an old photo of her with short hair, and it's so cute on her short, and she finally said I could. We all squealed at the results. Lil, you always look so cute! Lily is pure joy.
Afterward the baptism and confirmation, we locked up the church and then went home with family for some light refreshments. No one was able to stay long, including our own kids - the soundhouse boys had a performance up in Farmington so they had to head out as soon as they could. So they changed clothes, ate a quick meal, and off they went. Corey took the little kids with him later to go watch the show. It was part of a little city activity called "Rock the Park". Good news is, everyone had fun. I stayed home with Mel, Lily, and Daniel. Bad news: they lost one of Owen's "must have to survive" blankets. Of the 4 I had for him, that's 2 down, only 2 left. I might need to figure out a way to replenish our supply. They all came home dirty and tired, so we put them to bed and we'll all be up early tomorrow to bathe off and get ready for church. Another Sunday in the life of our family. Summer is going by too quickly, less than a month left.

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