Friday, July 21, 2017

"About Us" Updated

I updated our "About us" page today. It was a bit outdated, as evidenced by the picture of just 8 kids. So the before and after...
So, this is us and our crew. Corey and I are high school sweethearts, kinda.  I was actually probably a little one sided, meaning I was a bit of a stalker.  ;)  But hey, it all turned out, so it's okay!  I, Tiffanie, do most all the family recording here in an attempt capture this wonderful phase of our life with these little people.  I wouldn't have it any other way.
And now the new AFTER:
So, this is us and our crew. 
Corey and I are high school sweethearts (...kinda.  It was actually probably a little one sided, meaning I was a bit of a stalker. ;) But hey, it all turned out, so it's okay!)

Our family has lived in Brazil (20072015) Costa Rica (2010) and Chile (2011)

I'm passionate about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Scriptures (especially the Book of Mormon), FamilyChildrenAmericaOperation Underground Railroad, and being healthy.

I blog about babiesboogersbutterflies and whatever else the day throws at us.

I, Tiffanie, do most all the family recording here in an attempt capture this wonderful phase of our life with these little people.

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