Thursday, August 10, 2017

Butterfly Coming Out

We had fun watching our 4th butterfly come out this morning... Fresh out of the chrysalis - wings still expanding.
What do you think, little Owen? Do you like the bug? It's a pretty bug!
He doesn't mind looking at them but won't let them crawl on his finger. That's okay though, Natalie is not brave enough to touch them either, and she's two years older than you. We all like to watch the miracle though, it never gets old.
We have lots more fun coming out way with all these guys!
Butterfly stats (I need to get a better spreadsheet to track them...) But so far from what I can tell, as of today, we've had 4 emerge into adult butterflies. We have 17 chrysalis! 4 in j-hook that should be chrysalis by morning, there are 14 caterpillars, 1 baby caterpillar that hatched yesterday, and 5 eggs. Pretty fun!

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