Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Cute Boys

I shared some pictures of my cute boys yesterday. Here are two cute boys again.
I took this totes adorbs picture this morning. Only a few more days of lazy mornings... the school year will quickly be upon us!
What else did we do today? Let's see... Sophi had an appointment to get a cavity fixed again, ugh. I didn't know until we were at the dentist but luckily it was a place where she had just gotten her filling a few weeks ago, so it was covered under warranty. Come on Soph, let's try hard to not come in to the dentist office again this year, okay?
And our hungry hungry caterpillars are doing well. I found a good patch of milkweed this week. I brought home a nice big plant for them tonight. It's as tall as Natalie!!
Here's Natalie pretending to teach us something about the caterpillars.

We have 17 in their chrysalis that should be coming out in a couple of days, pretty fun, we've had a great monarch year!

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