Tuesday, August 22, 2017

First Day for the Older Kids

Yesterday should have been the first day of school, but they sluffed it since I took them up to the eclipse in Idaho. The 3 oldest high schoolers decided to come last minute - like 10 minutes from when I was wanting to leave. They didn't want to miss school. As I had tried to persuade them to come, I warned them that there would be no sluffing school to stay home and finish homework or finish studying for a test if they weren't willing to stay home to see the eclipse, one of the greatest wonders of the natural world. Ethan decided to come after being persuaded by a friend at church that half of the students would be gone. And I also talked to a friend at church and told her she should come up and camp where we were camping. They decided to come and since Joseph and Mel both have good friends in their family, J&M decided to come. Luckily they had room for two more people in their vehicle, otherwise they would have been out of luck. So it was fun to have most of us there.

Anyway, after a 8.5 hour drive home, we were able to unpack the car and get ready for school this morning. They got a decent amount of hours of sleep. Jazz band started this morning. We decided to have Mel and Hyrum go early with Joseph and Ethan to save us a trip. So they were all up at 5:45 getting ready to leave at 6:15.

Hyrum, dutifully in the car reading as he waits for his siblings. He was ready to go, as promised. at 6:15. Hyrum, you win first place. Last year, Hyrum would get up and get ready asap, and then he would take a 10 minute nap from 7:00 - 7:10 as he waited for carpool time to approach. At 7:10 his alarm would go off telling him it was time to go. I don't think I was on time much as a kid. Some of the few memories from high school that are still in my brain are of my sister being ready and a little perturbed at having to wait for me again, just like every morning. I also remember my little brother having to wait for me the next year, but I remember him being patient with me for some reason. Maybe cause I was older, don't want to tick off your older siblings. I don't know if that is a false memory, but it's one I've told myself and my kids - be patient, your siblings will remember and will thank you and honor your name for your kindness.
Joseph, Mel, and Ethan all entered the garage and car at 6:18. We will award you all a 3rd place prize. But if we're starting off this year with our best foot forward, I'm a little scared about what your departure time will be as the year goes on. The only thing Joseph and Ethan have to do in jazz band to get an A in jazz band is get there on time. Last year they didn't get an A the last quarter. Here's hoping Mel and Hyrum don't slow you down, but just remember you guys struggled last year without them, so just keep that in mind.
After seeing them off to school, I went for a quick run (no more hour long leisurely morning walks, so sad!) and came back to see Wesley off, as he also had his first day of school today. He is another kid that likes to get up and get ready and then use his free time waiting to do something productive, like read.
So I saw Wes waiting. He told me he had sat down in a strategically placed position - where he could hear Tess if she came and knocked at the back door, or see her walking across the front if she headed out to carpool without stopping by. I came to take a picture of him reading. "It's not a book though..." he confessed
Yeah, just the dust jacket for now, that's okay. These kids really got into books the last month of summer (took a few weeks of boredom to finally kick it in gear) and Wesley finished Fablehaven. He's right behind Hyrum, who is now reading Eragon. So that's next on Wesley's chopping block now. I wish summer was longer or that they just didn't go to school, cause it's like we finally get a system going and then they all leave and we have to start over again with a whole new schedule. But, since summer does seem so brief, maybe we'll hit the ground running cause it's like the school year rush never stopped. Oh well, have a great year kiddos. I don't think we did one last year (being full term pregnant might have had something to do with that...) but I'm aiming to do a little School year party for ourselves this weekend. :)

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