Wednesday, August 23, 2017

First Day at Elementary

Today was the first day of school for Abi and Lily. Abi was super excited and woke up early without a problem. Although she always gets up pretty easily. Abi was disappointed last night though when I told her that Sophi didn't start kindergarten until next week. "What?!?! I wanted her to come tomorrow! I already helped her set out her clothes! Aww..." So other than that glitch in expectations last night, things went great and they had a very good day today. Tomorrow Sophi has her orientation and then she'll be all ready to join them on Monday. Say cheese!
That's not cheese - where are your teeth?  
Scratch that, do it again. Let's get your friends in the picture - Just like past years, Jules and Stein come by and pick up Abi and Lily every morning, and then they walk down the street and pick up their friends and they all walk in a group to the bus stop. They always give themselves plenty of time and are never running late: They are at our house around 8:20 with time to chit chat as they watch the clock, and they leave here as soon as it turns 8:30... they got a good system going. Lily, look at the camera!
I let them go then looked at the pictures and called them back. Let's try again ~ they wanted to strike a pose~
Silly girls. Ok, now a normal one again.
I said "Say cheese!" me your teeth!
 Almost, there's one girls' teeth - Lily?
Ok, good, that'll do as the official first day pick, now off to the bus. Love you, have a great first day!

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