Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Pathetic Milestone

Yesterday was a milestone for me. After several years of taking my boys to the Soundhouse in American Fork, last night I actually went into the building for a concert for the very first time! When I went in, I thought "Hey, I've never been in here! I've never done this before!" I've always just dropped kids off or waited for them in the car. That seems really pathetic, I feel like a non-supportive parent that I've never attended one of their performances here. I've gone to a few in other venues (I know one but I'm hoping I've gone to alteast two? Again, pretty pathetic right?) Still, seems like I should have atleast come in the building before! So, after doing a Costco run with Abi and my little boys, we went in for a brief performance - Wesley's end of the summer season New Bop concert.
It was low key show, so it wasn't that big of a deal that Wes forgot his concert clothes. Just about half of the kids were dressed up, half weren't.
Another thing form yesterday - more butterflies came out, two girls and one boy.
My princesses holding the girls ~
I tried to get a picture of two of them with their wings out, but they were out of sync -
You can hardly see them when their wings are closed! That's a female with the wings open above, a male below. Can you see the two dark spots on the black line of the male? So that's how you tell the boys and girls apart.
Here's Ethan with one of the girls ~

I thought that video was fun. Another thing that's going on here - our front deck is hanging on for dear life. The center post is all rotted at the bottom and it tipping over. Might make it through the summer, but I'm thinkin' it's on it's last year. I don't love the wood. I don't love the sandstone on our home front either. Someday if we stop renting and buy this place, hopefully we'll renovate it a bit.
There's one house I walk by sometimes in the morning - I like the look of this one.
Though for some reason I think that if we had a light colored house like that, then the kids would make it dirty! But the outside of the house should safe from kids, right? We're holding off on a lot of updates and new things until the little kids and their sweet sticky fingers are gone. Though I guess we'll have grandkids by then, maybe we'll never be completely free from messes.

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