Wednesday, August 16, 2017

School Challenge

Tonight, Corey issued a new challenge to the kids. Before issuing the challenge, he had asked them for some feedback on the Park City Challenge, how it went and what was good or bad about it. And the overall report was that there wasn't anything bad about it! It was all good. Sure, it was work, but the kids liked how they felt after working hard! I know we ALL enjoyed living in a clean home, they were pleased with the things they accomplished, and they enjoyed their reward (well, except for Wesley who was sick and didn't get to use his pass, we'll make it up to you Wes!)

So, since school is fast upon us, it's time to get ready to take on the school year. They can work hard and they need to work hard in order to survive. Ethan and Hyrum are both . Corey began the meeting by showing them a video or Mr. Strickland calling Marty McFly a slacker. Thus the introduction to level 1 and the different levels of productivity in this school challenge:
  1. Slacker
  2. Solid
  3. Super Star
  4. Celestial
If the kids can't complete the basics (like getting to school on time or practicing their music for 1 hour), they are at the Slacker Level (dark gray).
If they complete the basics and stay on top of their homework, they are Solid (lighter gray). If they get out of bed by 8:30 on Saturdays they are Superstars! And, if they're eating vegan, they are celestial! Ha, Corey made that level to tease me.

Here is a 7 min video of the presentation and discussion of this new challenge. This is about how noisy our meetings usually are... Kinda hard to communicate things or feel like you're being heard. But that's how it goes around here. Also, it's hard to keep track of your thoughts when you have to keep making comebacks to the teenager (Ethan) that pushes back on every statement you make. I usually can't handle it, Corey does better than I do.

Can you hear some of Ethan's comments? After Corey gives a verbal list of all the things he does in an effort to show the kids they are capable of doing more, Ethan says "And look at how stressed you are!" "Exactly..." "I don't want that to be me!" It made me laugh. We've got this teenager on the record! I'm hoping this video will make you laugh later in life, Ethan, as you have your own teenagers! Ethan also told Corey today that he can get me to say yes to anything. "Whatever I ask her, she'll say yes the second time I ask!" Corey didn't believe him. And for good reason. Because Ethan failed to mention that I say yes the second time because he changes the question to a negative. For example, as we drove home after his eye exam today: "Can we stop by Arctic Circle?" "No..." "Can we not stop by Artctic Circle?" "Yes!" "Thank you... I just like to hear you say yes."

Natalie said a few cute things tonight too. As we were going to bed, she said she was too scared to sleep alone on our floor. I replied "Ok, you can go sleep with your sisters in your room!" No. Corey said "Can I get you a big stuffed animal to sleep with?" "No, I just need a human. A boy human." I put Daniel on the floor next to her as he drank his bottle. "There! Daniel will help you not be scared!" She laughed at our joke, "No not Daniel! A BIG boy human!" She was trying to imply she wanted her father. It was cute.

Last report for today - the caterpillar report. We had one male butterfly today, we have 16 chrysalis, 5 big caterpillars, 4 small. Also, my neighbor brought me 6 of her big caterpillars on Tuesday night cause they are taking a trip to Yellowstone. But the caterpillars have all been sick - oozing green stuff. Maybe one of the milkweed is bad? One of them looked so in pain that I froze it, he was followed by one last night that was writhing in the same way, and then I located a missing one, it had fallen in the water of the cup she had tinfoil over. Our monarch year has been a huge success besides the tragic events these foster caterpillars just gave us. I felt bad for that little guy. Note to self, keep the glass jars. I'm going to keep a box of my monarch supplies for next year - little clothes pins, small containers to hold the leaves, rocks to put in the glass jars (helps the milkweed stay upright).

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