Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Ukulele Man

Here are some pictures that I took at the end of June that I should have posted then. But I'm behind on life, (truth be told I'm actually writing this up on the 27th of September!) so now is better than never! So, the day was June 29th... It was a lovely summer evening. Most of us were outside enjoying the fine weather - Natalie running through the neighbor's sprinklers, Owen driving his little yellow plasma car, Abi playing with Wesley's b-day present: a black remote control car. And the background accompaniment serenading us all was Joseph playing the pink ukulele.

We got that ukulele for Sophi a while ago. She is nice to share with her big brother. Joseph started off with "Hallelujah", which Daniel really enjoyed - he couldn't help but try and sing/squawk along....

Not quite hitting that high note?
There it is, he's back in tune... Though it might be hard playing with a plastic hotel room card key. But you'll be happy to know that after this impressive musical show I went and cut the card into several ukulele picks for him.
And it never hurts to have a friend who is an aspiring ukulelist as well! Talmage joined him in playing and singing, they began working on "I Can't Help Falling In Love" It was pretty cute.
I'm the mom, so I can call my boy cute, even if he is a big teenager.
Here's a video of their work below - take 1. And take 2 here.

Here are two more cute boys - Wesley and Daniel. We think Daniel is going to be a dentist.
Or an orthodontist. He was checking out Wesley's pearly whites.
Then he gave Wes a kiss. A big slobbery baby kiss on the cheek.
I like my boys, they are fun.

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