Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Owen as a stinker at study group this morning. I left early and am feeling a little frustrated right now with that, it's getting a little hard to do... Maybe I shouldn't bother with it right now? Natalie didn't want to go either, so I had to bribe her. I can't fight 3 of them. Started off rough when Owen took another kid's ritz crackers and I had to take them away from him to give back. I had some MnMs in my bag that helped sooth that over. But then he wanted another boy's little red car and was crying "car! Car!" for quite a while until I gave up and we left. So I was frustrated there and we came back and I turned on the tv. I used to listen to the 11:00 devotionals every day on kbyu. Maybe I should start doing that again. After the devotional I turned it back to pbs kids and Daniel and Owen fell asleep watching that... They sure are cute. The frustration melts away when I see them sleeping, but little guys. So here are six pictures of pretty much the exact same thing.
(I probably shouldn't have the tv on so much?)
Sometimes I know they are tired but they don't want to lay down in their beds, so I put them in the chair with Super Why on and 5 minutes later - voilĂ 
They sure are cute.  
Daniel and Owen, my wish for you is that you will always be best friends.
That even if you don't snuggle up in a chair together and cuddle up to sleep, that you will just love each other and be each others best friends. If you slip up and can't be BFFs in your teenage years, that's ok, I understand. I'm excited for you two to be on missions at the same time and to grow to be awesome friends and brothers when you're grown ups. I love these little men.

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