Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Hanging On

I sent an SOS yesterday on facebook to some of my cousins - to the kids of one family in particular ... my cousins in who grew up in a family of 15 kids. My messages to them have basically been asking then how their mom did it cause I need serious help figuring out how can I do this?!?! I'm falling apart. Our life is hanging on my a string, ugh. No no, Tiff, there are lots of good things going well in your life, think positive! For example, you are eating healthy! Behold my lovely breakfast this morning looked so pretty - I call it Southwest Breakfast, hold the eggs. Tomatoes, peppers, scallions, avocado, black beans, salsa...
I'm doing good with exercising too. Our family relationships with each other are pretty good, so that's another thing to be grateful for! ...aside from the majority of the people in our home struggling to navigate life with their not fully developed brains (aka teenagers). Ok, I guess all the other kids have underdeveloped brains too, so that can't be the main thing - it must be those teenage boy hormones. Like Hyrum is becoming a teenager, I can tell he just feels aggressive and want to punch something. So, if I compare their behavior with their urges, they're probably doing pretty good. I have a fully developed brain, so what's my excuse for loosing my cool? Well, today Hyrum had an orthodontist appointment. I thought he was getting his braces off, but not yet, next visit. Almost there. another 4 weeks. As we were on our way home, Wes called to let me know there was water dripping into the side room from the ceiling. Agh! Panic. I made a polo video of it for my family, if any future historian is interested in more details about this toilet mess - yes, our stupid toilet from upstairs over flowed AGAIN, stupid toilet... stupid me that I still haven't gotten it fixed, stupid family situation that I don't have money to get this fixed!! (My train of though usually does bring me to blame Corey's business for most of our problems: for him always working, for the lack of $, the devil on my shoulder tells me "well if he just had a regular job!!!") Stupid toilet and stupid valve that doesn't shut off the water. Although it's been atleast 9 months, cause I know it overflowed once in January for this same stupid reason. I should have gotten it fixed by now. Doh. So it's my fault, but I wish the kids could just make sure it flushes all the way down. Since I wasn't at home Joseph went to the rescue and got the plunger out and all the tp down, and then I got home and got to take care of the damage and wash all the towels in the laundry. Fun fun.
Stay positive Tiff, you enjoyed some delicious veggie soup with barley for lunch and dinner. Focus on the good, hopefully we'll get the toilet fixed this time and someday maybe we'll find that we have triumphantly survived turning these little people into decent human beings and making Corey's business a success.

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