Saturday, September 30, 2017

Mountains Are Calling

Yesterday the kids didn't have school and I wanted to do something fun. But instead they helped Corey move out of his office. And that was a good things for them to do. It took half of the day moving things out and then the rest of the day to try to organize the overload of things here. We're not done and probably won't be for a while. I need to sell off or give away some of our couches and chairs... as of now we do not have room to receive all the furniture we have.

So, today was General Conference (loved it!!!) I knew that conference would take up most of the day for us, so if we were going to do a hike it would have to be early. I asked the kids if they wanted to go and they were game. But then when I woke up, and it was dark and cloudy outside.... I just couldn't get my mojo going. So I got back in the warm bed and went back to sleep. The mountains are so pretty right now though, it's killing me not to go. I wish I could fly. Sigh. I'm hoping I'll make it up and it won't be another year of "there's always next year..." which was my wish/hope last year after my post partum self didn't make it out to see the autumn leaves. Here are some pictures from years past - 2008 to be exact. Little Cottonwood Canyon is gorgeous!
It's been cold and rainy here in the valley which means there is snow up in the mountains now, just like in these pics.
(I'm glad my friends were able to take the butterfly to St. George, she never would have made it!)
 Lovely lovely lovely
Perhaps looking at these pictures online will have to be my solace once again.
These are pictures that my awesome neighbor took in fall 2008 - more of them here. Ahh, it's just heavenly~ I love fall!
I gotta get on top of my life so I can make the time in my day to go on hikes and stuff. It's just going by too fast, life is just happening to me, I want to try to be in control. I googled a bit today about schedules and routines. I liked this list, go Benjamin Franklin! He had a good goal for his schedule. I wrote that down in my planner. I also liked the quote by Leo Babauta - "The reason I like having a morning routine is that not only does it instill a sense of purpose, peace and ritual to my day, but it ensures that I’m getting certain things done every morning … namely, my goals." Yes, it starts with the morning routine! Now with kids in school, my mornings are kinda spoken for, but I could get up earlier... if I get to bed earlier... I'm gonna do it. Tonight, on a whim, I also signed up for a "Courage Challenge" with Holly of FYM. I followed her years ago after Abi was born, I think I'll give it another go. I mostly think it would help me to be accountable to someone, like I was during the spring and summer "healthy habits" challenges. Here's hoping it works and will help me get up into the gorgeous mountains!

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