Friday, September 29, 2017

Office Move

Hi there. The kids don't have school today because of "teacher work day". It's always nice to have a day off. What to do with our free time?? Joseph had plans to do a sunrise hike up Mount Olympus with friends, I wanted to get up into the mountains too or go to the temple, or I would have been find to just have everyone be my slaves and help clean up the house. But we had another duty we needed to do today. Corey's closing his SL office and his company is making the homebase for the business in Brazil. He told the landlords he would be out today, so that's what the kids got to do. Corey had work and phone calls to take but figured he could work from there and have his minions do the moving work. So last night Joseph agreed to miss out on the morning hike and helped his father. Mel, Hyrum, Wes, and Abi all went to help too. Ethan didn't though. He slept past 2:45 pm today. That is a new record. Sometimes he'll get up for an hour and then go back to bed, but this was a full 14+ hours of slumber. Please note the evidence below, complete with the time displayed on the clock.
And Ethan, my son, that also means there is a pretty good chance there will not be any night friend activities for you for a while since it appears that the fruit of your socializing fun is that we get a kid that is pretty much worthless here at home. He said he also felt sick, and I try to not be heartless when the are sick and need sleep. And he also said that his legs were so sore, cause they played fugitive last night so he was pretty much sprinting for 4 hours straight. Sigh, ok. But I'm just saying, don't ask to hang out with friends next weekend or the weekend after that. So Ethan slept in, Joseph took two loads of stuff home here and they dumped it all in the side room. Now we have a big mess in the house to sort through.
Moving the current office arrangement out, moving in a new desk and lots of tall skinny shelves for the plethora of DVD movies. Side room = mess.
He brought home two big chairs that don't fit anywhere. So it's just parked in the foyer and blocking the closet and front door for now. Natalie drawing in the fun new chair. She's been making really cute little people drawings, it's fun. Did I tell you she gave herself another little trim? Just a few layers, but just on one side, so I had to even it up again. Looking short and cute Natalie! You can keep it cute but lets not make it any shorter, k?
Since we were all helping Corey with work stuff today, Owen thought he'd demonstrate how Corey works. First, he will put on head phones for his calls or to listen to music or podcasts - and when you put on head phones remember to squish out your chubby cheeks!
Ok, headphones ready. Binky ready (pacificers not mandatory for working fathers but Owen still highly recommends them)
And then when you've got your tunes, start typing at the lap top. If you don't have a lap top, an alarm clock will with a small shelf with buttons will do.
Owen made me laugh so hard doing this - he was moving his cute little fingers at the alarm clock, typing away, working hard just like his dad. Owen you crack me up.
So, lots of work to get the house back in order. Corey really likes his office now, it feels like a legit office. He's hoping to be much more productive now that he's at a desk and surrounded by manly office style stuff. And the kids are super excited to have all of Movie M0uth's movies here at home!!! There are like tens of thousands of hours of viewing pleasure right at their finger tips!! yay. We sure have a lot of flicks for two parents who claim to be against the time wasted via screen time!

Oh, something else about today. Corey and I tried to go out on a date, but were going to run by the office first to do a final check that they got everything out. Before we got to the office, we had received 6 phone calls from the kids (they are not supposed to call us on date night except for emergencies. We were being too nice since we weren't on our way to the restaurant yet) One of those calls was Ethan asking if he could (cough cough) go to the temple... "and then hang out with friends." Nice try buddy. (refer to beginning of this post to see why we felt ok rejecting his request outright). "Well, can we play the Wii then?" We mistakenly said yes, then got 4 more phone calls of kids tattling this or that and then there was a kid fight emergency over the Wii so we just came back and have threatened to just cancel date nights if we can't trust our teenagers to be left at home unsupervised. #reallife #datenightfail #itsokaycauseihadalreadyeatentoomuchtodayanyway

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